Sunday, October 27, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Infertility and Hello to Motherhood!!

    Sorry it has taken me two weeks to post the rest of my birth story.  Things have been a little hectic, but in a good way.  I finally gave birth to my adorable twin boys, but the rest of the birth story is as unplanned as the first half.  As fair warning, this might be a TMI post... not sure yet :)
     After I was sent home from the hospital empty handed I did a ton of praying over the weekend.  I was soooooo confused on why things had gone the way they had gone.  Even though I was scheduled to go back to the hospital on Monday, I wasn't convinced it was the best idea.  Maybe the twins just weren't ready to come into the world yet?  Maybe I just needed to let things be?
     In the LDS religion we have a General Worldwide Conference every 6 months and we get to hear the words of the living prophet and apostles and other church leaders.  Conference is thankfully broadcast via TV, so I could stay home in my pajamas and contemplate things.  I gained peace and clarity from conference and after discussing things with Beau we felt good about going in on Monday as my doctor had asked.  We discussed why we had switched to Dr. Berry: it was because if things had to deviate from our natural birth plan we trusted him to do the most minimally medicinal route required to bring the boys into the world safe and healthy.
    So Monday morning at 6 am I was back at Utah Valley Hospital checking in.  Once I got to my room we were happy to see that my nurse was the same one we had had previously and we really liked her.  The nurse checked my cervix and nothing had changed over the weekend.  I was dilated to a 1 with only 70% effacement (thinnning of the cervix).  She got me comfortable and started immediately on the Pitocin.  She also started a Glucose drip, which I guess is supposed to help get contractions going.

     Shortly after the Pit was going the anesthesiologist came in to place the epidural.  Even with my natural plan I agreed to have the epidural placed, but not medicated, should there be a need to do an emergency c-section.  Beau helped me sit over the side of the bed while the epidural was placed in my spine.  I truly only felt a small pinch.  Not as bad as I thought it would be.  Once placed, it was then decided that a small test drip would be done to A. Test the epidural and B. numb me quickly from the waist down for just a small amount of time.  Honestly, I hated the feeling of the epidural and the lack of control it caused.  I shook like I was shivering, but was comfortable temperture-wise.  I had to watch as nurses maneuvered my legs in order to check my cervix.  Not my favorite experience.
     The numbing was to help me stay relaxed as a Fulley (spelling??) Balloon was placed up in my cervix.  So what the balloon is is a long balloon like the ones used to make balloon animals.  It is shoved up into the cervix and then expanded to about 3 cm. around.  There is a "tail" of the balloon left un-inflated that hangs out of your crotch and is attached to some sort of weight.  In my case it was attached to a full IV bag.  This set-up causes a gentle pressure to be placed on the cervix, which than causes it to dilate...hopefully.  I was really glad I had the epidural drip for the insertion of the balloon because Beau told me after that Dr. Berry had to rummage around like crazy to get access to my posterior cervix, pull the cervix forward, shove/guide the balloon into my cervix and then inflate it.  During this lovely moment I guess my body was moving all over the place with the force that was being used to get things in the right places... I didn't feel a thing.
     Once the balloon was in place it was time to wait for things to happen.  After about an hour the epidural wore off, the Pit was increased up to 20 ( the highest level) and I just laid on my side.  My wonderful ovaries started cramping or at least something in the same vicinity.  It felt like the beginning of another ovarian torsion.  I got up to try and walk and use gravity to further dilation.  I went to the restroom and then swayed back and forth in my room with the help of my mom and Beau.  The contractions were decently strong and I could breathe through them, but the cramping was constant and soooooo sharp.  I tried to sit on my birthing ball and could not even flex my knees without shooting pains from my ovaries.  I finally broke down after 2.5 hours of straight cramping and decided to get the epidural.   I cried for a few minutes out of frustration that nothing seemed to be going as planned again.  Since I was getting the epidural I also had a catheter placed.  It wasn't so bad, if you don't mind a bag of your pee hanging off your bedside for all to see.
     About 3 hours after the balloon was placed I was on my left side talking to Beau, my mom and Beau's mom and the balloon came sliding out onto the ground.  It was gross, but pretty funny too.  I got excited because that meant I was dilated to a 3!!! I was however still waiting for my body to kick in so the pitocin could be lowered or turned off.  Spoiler alert...It never kicked in.  I was at a 3 for another 4 hours, than made it to a 4 and stayed there for about 4-5 hours.  At this point I decided to give in again and have my water broken on Maverick.  I was hoping it would allow him to drop down and put pressure on my cervix.  I finally made it to a 5.5 and got stuck.  There was still no pressure from the boys on my cervix.  Their heart rates had remained steady throughout the entire day.  I only went as long as I did because I knew they were ok.
    At the beginning of the day we had decided with Dr. Berry that if nothing had happened by midnight, that we would take the boys by c-section.  By the time midnight rolled around I had been having induced contractions for 18 hours for a total of 58 hours attempting to let things happen somewhat naturally.  It was time to let go of my plans completely and do what was best for the boys.  We decided to move forward with c-section plans. I found out that Dr. Berry had gone against hospital protocol and let me labor 7 hours longer than he was supposed to.  He knew how bad I wanted to have a natural birth and he supported my efforts.  I appreciated that!
     At this point my friend Danette Foster was my night nurse and she got things rolling fast!  Doctors were called in.  I was prepped with a stronger version of the epidural, Beau was put in a lovely white suit thing and out the door to the O.R we went.  I was really bummed that things had not gone even an ounce like I had planned, but also relieved that I would finally have my boys in my arms soon.

     In the O.R things moved quickly.  I was put on the operating table with my arms straight out on my sides.  I learned that the epidural meds travel depending on how you are laying/sitting and when you are lying flat on your back it can travel up into your chest and cause your lungs to feel heavy and breathing can be a bit tricky.  I was having a bit of anxiety about a c-section because it was my "last resort" and I didn't feel I knew enough about what would happen... I like to do my research before doing things.  Beau stayed by my head as the nurses put up a curtain to block my view.  It started to sink in that we were HAVING OUR BABIES!!!!! I of course started to cry and became soooooooo stuffed up in my nose that I sadly had to think of something else because breathing was already hard without the emotional crying.  Even with an insanely stuffey nose I could smell my flesh being cauterized... didn't realize I would smell my own flesh being burned.  It was a little unnerving.  There was no turning back... YIKES and YAY!
     After what seemed like forever the doctors, Dr. Berry and Dr.Woolsey, said I would feel some pressure and stretching.  I didn't feel either of those, but I did feel an immediate weight relief as they pulled baby A (Maverick) out (at 1:10 am Oct. 8th).  Dr. Berry brought him around the curtain covered in all his grossness and waved his little hand at me while saying, "hi mama".  I was elated and sad.  I had my son here, but I couldn't hold him.  Very quickly after Maverick they pulled out Zayden (at 1:11 am Oct. 8th).  I felt 100 lbs lighter instantly.  Dr. Berry did the same thing with Zayden and Beau followed the boys into the resuscitation room (attached to the O.R) to be cleaned and checked.
     I laid there still unable to move or breathe and tried to wrap my brain around things.  It had taken me 58 hours to get to this point and after only 5 minutes or so of surgery minutes my boys were with their father, safe and healthy...weird, but great feeling.  Beau came back to check on me a few minutes later and I was just sitting there while the doctors sewed me up.  The boys were only gone about 5 minutes before they were brought back to me by a nurse and Beau and they were placed very close to my face so I could see them and talk to them.  I still could not breathe through my nose and the nurse had Maverick sooooo close to my face that after a minute breathing was even harder with a baby so close.  I loved seeing my boys though! They looked NOTHING alike :)  I was told that Maverick was 6 lbs 10 oz and Zayden was 5 lbs 10 oz.  Both were 18.5 inches long.  Both were healthy and doing fine! Phew I was told that Zayden had wedged his head just right against Mavericks head, which prevented Maverick from dropping down against my cervix...hence the zero pressure and lack of natural progression!!!

  Introducing Maverick and Zayden...

Maverick Storm Murphy
Zayden Beau Murphy

      Beau and the nurse took the boys back to the labor room.  Sadly, I had to ask Beau to remind me how things went once I was brought back from the O.R.  I have waited sooooooo long to have my first moment holding my children and now I barely remember it :(  After talking with Beau and looking at pictures I can recall a few details, but I am not sure why I can't remember it.  Ughhhh!  What I do remember is that it took about 30 minutes to sew me back together and once I was in the labor room both boys were handed to me and I cried...of course.  There were a few family members in the room with us, but at that moment it was me, Beau and our boys.  I remember Beau kissing me and I was able to have my moment.  I don't remember details after that...for at least the next little while.
     I remember the nurse coming in and pushing on my stomach to check my bleeding and it not being a very good feeling!  I had to wear those HUGE maxi pads along with the meshy hospital underwear the entire time I was at the hospital.  It was not comfortable.  My tailbone and back I think are permanently screwed from sitting in the hospital bed.  It was not a comfortable bed.  I remember trying to breastfeed and neither boy being able to latch because I have flush nipples.  It was recommended that I use a breast shield and the latching problem was fixed.
     After about 24 hours we were informed that Zayden was testing too low with his blood sugar.  He was whisked off to the NICU :(  I HATED not having him with me in the room.  Moving was really hard to do the first couple of days so it took me a few hours, which seemed like eternity, to be able to get out of bed and up to the NICU to see him.  I began to count my blessings when I saw the other TINY babies in the NICU struggling for life when my baby was a great weight and had a manageable issue.  My baby would be coming home with me whereas many of the other babies would not be leaving the NICU for awhile... broke my heart for their moms.
    Since I was only producing colostrum we were using banked milk to feed the boys.  My mom or Beau would hold a 10 cc syringe above my breast while the baby was latched on.  The syringe had a small tube that ran from it into the breast shield.  It was quite the production to simply feed the boys and it took forever to do since both boys would eat around 30 cc's.  It worked great though in order to teach the boys to latch and get them to understand that the boob is where the food is.  While poor Zayden was in the NICU I feel like the feeding process went even slower.  They measured his blood sugars constantly, which meant a bunch of heel pricks with the nurse squeezing the heck out of my baby's foot to test the blood.  I hated the tests because most of the nurses acted as though my child didn't feel anything even though they would each scream in pain.  I am glad that Beau spent most of the time with Zayden in the NICU because I would not have been very nice when it came to poking my kid again and again.  After 24 hours Zayden was passing his blood sugar tests really well and was brought back to us in the labor room and stayed with us for good.  Ahhhhhh, I was a happy mama.
     They did however test both the boys and their blood sugar a few times a day until we went home.  I argued with the nurses to stop the stupid tests considering both boys were doing well above the "scare" line.  I had my first "mom" moment after their very last test.  The nurse performed the test in the room.  She poked Maverick first and the poor baby screamed like crazy.  Once she was done with him I asked for him and put him skin-to-skin on my chest and he instantly calmed down and snuggled in.  After the nurse tested Zayden and he too was screaming I did the same with him.  I had both boys snuggled into my chest and sleeping peacefully within a few seconds of them being in my arms.  I felt as though they knew who I was and trusted me to keep them safe and sound... LOVED it!!
    The past struggles of infertility are only a memory now.  All the issues, pain and heartache will never be forgotten, but have now become the past that has brought me to the point of motherhood.  I look forward to raising these boys and any future children we may welcome into our home.  I am grateful for my new little family and recognize the Lord's hand in all the details.  He has allowed me to grow and stretch in ways I never thought I could.  He has given me the courage and confidence to move forward and take leaps of faith into the darkness.  He has taught me to trust in His plan and His timing.  He has given me the empathy and understanding to be of service to those with the same or similar trial.   I am a blessed mama!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Expect the Unexpected... I Didn't.

Soooooooooooo, I'm home.  The unexpected part is that I am STILL PREGNANT!

     Things did not go anywhere near the way I thought they would when we went to the hospital.  The plan was to do 2-3 doses of Prepidil, which is a gel that gets inserted up the vagina and then placed on the cervix to soften it and allow for further dilation.  Next we would do a low dose of Pitocin just to get my contractions started.  Once my body kicked in the Pitocin would be turned off and the rest of labor would go naturally.
    The way things actually went was this... We checked in at 6 am on Wednesday morning.  We were in our labor room by 6:45.  The nurse than old us that we might get sent home because the Prepidil is typically only used if there is an extreme medical reason for inducing labor.  We told her that it was our doctor's recommendation due to the fact that I was 38 weeks with two very healthy twins and our doctor felt that letting things go too far could cause unnecessary complications.  So she left to get approval for the procedure.  She finally had the approval around 11:00-ish.
     At 11:30 I was laid flat on my back, the doctor shoved his fingers up me and all the way back to my cervix, which we found out is very posterior (behind my uterus...not fun!!!) and then used his fingers to guide the Prepidil syringe to the cervix.  He squirted the gel in and than it was 6 hours of waiting.  It was super painful, but my anticipation of it working was high.  After 6 hours I was checked (sooooo painful) and I had softened a tiny bit, so round two of the gel was prescribed.  Same painful process and another 6 hours of waiting.  The gel also caused contractions that felt like really bad period cramps including the nauseousness.  After the second 6 hours I was checked and NOTHING had changed!  It was 11:45 pm at this time and a third round of the gel was prescribed and inserted.  My poor crotch felt horrible, raw and swollen... but the end result was worth it to me.  I would be checked again at 5:45 am (Thursday) to decide whether or not to move on to Pitocin or do more gel.
     At 5:45 am I was woken up (I slept like crap, but had small spurts of actual sleep) and the nurse checked me.  This was by far the most painful check.  The nurse had small hands and literally grabbed the side bar of the bed to help give her more umph as she leaned in and SHOVED her fingers up me.  I was ready to scream when she finally pulled back.  But, she said I was thinned enough to move on to Pitocin...YAY!
     I started the pit drip at a level 6 at 6:30 am.  Throughout the day the drip was gradually increased in an attempt to create stronger, more productive contractions.  I sat on my birthing ball most of the afternoon and I literally didn't feel the contractions.  The pit was gradually increased all the way up to level 20 around 2:00 pm, the highest it goes, and I finally felt the contractions.  My body however never kicked in with its own contractions.  By 3:30 the doctor decided to stop the pit drip and I was checked again.  I was still dilated to a 1!!!!!! The contractions were completely unproductive :( At 5:30 pm I was given a 4th dose of the Prepidil gel to try and thin my cervix a little more in hopes that it would stretch better.  I had a few minutes of hardcore frustration crying.  I felt like once again my body was letting everyone down.  My family, Beau's family and lots of friends were waiting on our baby's arrival and I could not make it happen.  I created the same mental pressure I felt when I couldn't get pregnant.  Not a fun feeling.
    Although I was supposed to wait 6 hours again my doctor came in around 9:00 pm and decided to check me again and discuss options.  Once again I got the depressing news that NOTHING had changed.  My body was not responding to any of the meds.  I lost it.  I thought I had cried hard earlier, nope... I really went into "the ugly" cry.  I was beyond frustrated and felt hopeless.  I wanted soooooo badly to hold my boys and bring them into this world as natural as possible and everything was falling apart.  The options Dr. Berry gave me were to do another round of the gel with the addition of some sort of balloon thing that would be inserted into my cervix and blown up to force dilation, a C-section OR stop everything and go home...empty handed.
     I didn't like any of the options, but had to make a decision.  Everyone left the room and I balled into Beau's chest and we tried to make a rational decision that was best for the babies and not a selfish emotional decision.  We decided to give my body a break and go home.  I was heart broken.  I knew when I first got pregnant that my family was not the best dilators, but I had hoped that the pressure of the twins would solve that problem for me.  I could not believe that my body had BARELY reacted to any of the meds and was not easily starting its own contractions.  I really felt it was time to have these babies come out, but obviously I was wrong.  I finally stopped crying, got dressed and we went home around 10:30 pm.  I had been in the hospital and having medically induced contractions for nearly 40 hours and was walking out feeling the exact same as I had when I went real contractions and hugely pregnant.  Not what I expected.
      We are scheduled to go back in first thing Monday morning and try the balloon thing with either the pit drip or the gel.  If my body hasn't kicked in by Tuesday morning than the plan is to do a c-section.  I will be one day short of 39 weeks at that point.  I was entirely okay with this plan last night as I was balling in the hospital, but now that I have had a minute to think clearly I am stressing about what I should do.
     My only concern with the babies is that they are growing so much that they are running out of fluid and room.  I don't want to wait to act until they are in fetal distress, but I also don't want to jump the gun if they truly are not ready to come out.  I want to go natural, but I am aware that natural may not be the best option if my body doesn't cooperate.  I don't want to risk my child's life all in an attempt to spare them from a traumatic, drug-induced entrance into this world... but I want to give them the best entrance possible and to me that would be naturally.  I don't know what to do.
     Ideally I would love for my body to go into labor this weekend before Monday so I don't have to make these tough choices, but its not looking like that is in the cards for me.  The LDS religion has its semi-annual conference this weekend where the prophet and apostles will be speaking.  It is broadcast via television or internet worldwide ( I recommend it to anyone and everyone!!! ).  I am hoping to gain some insight and peace through the messages we'll hear.  I have also been praying like crazy and plan to continue my prayers to know what is best.  I trust the Lord and hope I am in-tune enough to recognize His prompting/answer to my prayers.
     Today I have had a lot of love and support from friends and family that know what happened and I appreciate all of it.  I have kept myself very busy with the help of my mom (who NEVER stops/slows down).  I am grateful she is here even though she is supposed to be taking care of her grandsons, and is instead taking care of me :) Between the love and patience of my husband, the support of family and friends and especially the love of the Lord, I do believe we will know what we are supposed to do.  Until then, I am still pregnant with two very squirmy 7 lbs. baby boys.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Decision is Made... We're Going In!!

     After a few rounds of acupuncture, sex, accupressure and lots of walking... I am done.  Nothing is opening and nothing is thinning (except the skin on my belly...ouch!)  I realized that the acupuncture most likely wasn't working because one of the main points to induce labor is in the top of the foot.  I had foot surgery a few years back on both feet and the "lovely" doctor botched the surgery.  My nerves are no longer in the correct position and every time Sue would try to put the needle in she would hit a nerve that was not meant to be there.  Sex is fine, but hasn't progressed anything labor wise.  Accupressure has been great since it is mainly foot massages from Beau, but once again...nothing to progress things.  Walking is just soooooo uncomfortable that the motivation to do it is at level zilch!.  
     I have decided to go in and have assistance getting things started.  I met with my doctor yesterday and discussed options.   Than today I had an NST.  Both boys are GREAT, heart rates are great, but fluid levels in their sacs are getting close enough to the "low" level of 2 that I don't see the purpose in waiting any longer till they are in distress to move things forward.  My concern all along has been dilation on my own because no one in my immediate family dilates on their own.  I was hoping that the pressure of twins would make me different, but over the last three weeks of "progress" monitoring nothing has changed.  I am closed up nice and TIGHT... good job cervix!  I am having contractions that are a little more intense than before, but no pattern and nothing to complain about.  
     So by assistance I mean that they will soften my cervix with something similar to Cervidil starting at 6 am tomorrow morning.  The thinning process can take any where from 6-24 hours.  Once my cervix is softened enough they will start me on a low dose of Pitocin (not happy about having to use this, but it is time for the boys to come out).  Once my body kicks in with its own contractions the Pitocin will be stopped and hopefully my body will continue forward on its own.  After my body kicks in the natural plan is still in place... crossing my fingers it all goes as planned from that point forward.  I am guessing I should have my boys in my arms sometime on Thursday!!! YAY, YIKES, HOLY COW, FINALLY, AND WHAT????????!!!!!!!!!!!  It is still sinking in :) 
    Since tonight is our last night EVER of not having to worry about kids we decided to go out.  We went to La Jolla Groves in the Riverwoods...delish!! We got there a little later, so it was nice and quiet... it was perfect :) 

Beau is the best.  The other night he didn't say a word, but set up warm buckets of water with smell-good stuff in them and than massaged my feet for awhile and worked all the labor pressure points.  It was an awesome surprise. 

     I can't believe this is my LAST night pregnant with my first children!!! I am 38 weeks on the dot, 46 inches around and 183 lbs...oops, I lost 3 lbs somewhere this week.  Crazy to think this stage of my life is actually coming to an end...almost makes me cry until I look at my puffy feet and STRETCHED out belly skin :)  Honestly though, it is kind of sad/weird to think that my pregnancy is over.  I have spent so much time over the last couple years praying, pleading and crying for this blessing.  Just the idea of being pregnant seemed so far away at times, than to have it go sooooo well has been a HUGE blessing.  As painful as their kicking and squirming can be, it is my constant reminder of how well they are doing.  I will miss it.

I am excited for my next post... introducing Maverick and Zayden!!!! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

37 weeks, 2 days and.... STILL COOKING

Just a quick update because I have been asked by many people (that don't see me on a regular basis) if I have had the twins yet... NOPE.  The boys are super healthy and growing like crazy.  Each baby is over 6.5 lbs.  Both boys are head down again (Zayden flipped to breach last week, but is back to head down) and ready to go.  I have started to do acupuncture treatments that are supposed to induce labor.  Sue, my acupuncturist thinks I'll have the babies no later than this coming Wednesday.  I hope she is right.  I am 186 lbs, 45 inches around, not sleeping so well and out of clothes that fit.  My mom is here to help with the babies and instead is organizing my whole house!!!! I love the organizing, but I'd rather have her holding her grandsons. I am grateful for how healthy the boys are, but I am soooooo ready for them to come out.  I am not dilated in the slightest.  I do have random contractions, but nothing in a pattern or too intense.  I have not lost my mucous plug yet either.  I am hormonal and exhausted.  But... all is well and I know I'll meet my boys soon.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lasts Before Firsts

**The above pics are from the ward baby shower.  The games were to take pictures of Beau and I, combine them to show what our boys will look like...YIKES! and playdough babies... super fun!
** I am blog-dumb and am not sure why these pics are at the top, but I couldn't get them to post where I wanted.

    So I am still pregnant.  34 weeks today! I am becoming extremely uncomfortable in pretty much every aspect possible and I am trying so hard to not let my selfish side win the mental battle.  I want soooooooo badly to have my body back or at least be able to walk, bend over and see my toes like a normal person.... oh and sleep on my stomach!! But I know that it is way more important for the boys health to have them stay put as long as possible.
    So here is my venting moment:  My belly skin feels like it is burning most of the day because it is stretched so thin and the boys push and kick against it super hard.  I love all the movement I feel, but it is literally constant and in my crotch and ribs at the same time...not a fun 24 hour feeling.  I have to sleep sitting up at night because of heartburn.  After just an hour or less of attempting to fall asleep my tailbone is killing me and my belly is super heavy.  My hair is falling out and has been for a little while.  I hate the feeling of random hairs on me.  It kind of feels like a spider that you can't quite find.  My feet, ughhhhh my feet.  They hurt soooo bad on a daily basis from the moment I get out of bed, which is why I now stay in bed as long as the boys will let me in the morning.  Beau gives some awesome foot massages though :) TMI:  There is a gross odor down south that I am told is normal, but oh my gosh it is gross!!! I am really ready for that to be gone.  I am tired of eating every hour and peeing every 10 minutes (literally).  If I don't eat enough I swear the boys get really rowdy, which then makes me a little nauseous.  Each time I pee it is about the same amount as my 2 year old nephew, but it feels like I was holding back a gallon.  I don't think the boys like it when I try to hold it because Zayden starts punching or poking my bladder to get it out of the way.  I haven't swollen a ton or retained water, which I am super grateful for, but just today my fingers are too swollen to wear my wedding ring...or any ring I have for that matter.  I have outgrown all of Beau's T-shirts and have resorted to borrowing Dave Link's T-shirts since they are a little longer.  Even those are on the edge of too short.  I want to hug and cuddle with Beau, but I am either way too hot or uncomfortable to be touched.  Lastly, my energy is GONE!  I try really hard to be productive or social and both fall flat.
    Wow, sorry.  Now that that is done there are tons of things I love about being pregnant.  Some of which are also part of my venting.  I love to feel my boys moving.  It gives me so much peace to know they are developing and growing.  The fact that at least one is moving at all hours is actually a blessing because I never have to question if something is wrong.  People are super nice to me at random places.  Not sure if it is just because of how prego I look or because my face grimaces with each step, but whatever the reason I appreciate the kindness.  Just the fact that I am pregnant is still mind blowing to me.  I had days/months that I thought I would never have such a blessing.  It is a cool experience to know that I am growing and supporting 2 lives within me. I talk to them and read to them and I feel like they interact with my touch.  At one of my NST appointments I had a fun time because if either of their heart rates dropped into the 120's (which is normal) I would put my hand on them and watch as their heart rate immediately went back into the 140's or 150's.  I loved that.  I love how tender Beau is when he touches my belly or talks to the boys.  I love to watch his face when he feels a "big" movement from either boy.  I love knowing that my actions and choices are all made based on protecting my boys.  And, it is kind of nice that not much is expected of me these days.  It's ok that I never changed out of my PJ's today, never put a bra on and didn't clean a single thing around the house.  Beau was happy I took a nap... hahaha.  I know these days of lounging in a silent house will be over soon, so I am trying to enjoy each moment.
     So that leads into my lasts before firsts.  Beau and I have had many moments the past week realizing that this is most likely the last couple weeks (or days) that it will just be the two of us.  We will be parents for the rest of our lives.  It is our last little while of not having to worry about our children's choices and futures.  It is our last time to be selfish.  It is our last few weeks (for at least for a long time) to do things entirely spur of the moment.  BUT we are in such high anticipation for all the firsts that lie ahead.  We cannot wait for the first time we hold our babies.  We can't wait for their first day home.  We can't wait for their first Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.  We can't wait for their first "twin" interactions.  We just can't wait.  That is the other part of the selfishness of wanting them to come sooner rather than later... we are too excited and don't want to keep waiting to meet our little men!!!!
    On another note, we decided last week to change doctors.  I became very spoiled, I guess, at the infertility clinic having one doctor that knew me and my story.  After we left the clinic we were referred to a group/team of doctors that is known as the "multiple experts".  I have never doubted their medical expertise, but I hated having a new doctor each appointment and feeling like I had to reintroduce myself constantly.  I didn't like that it was a roll of the dice for who would be delivering my babies.  With our decision to use the hypnobirthing technique I felt like I got a little push back and ego attitude from some of the doctors.  I was told that my plans and ideas were great, but I needed to trust them, "they're the doctors".  I didn't like that answer.  I trust them if medical intervention is needed, but I want a doctor that will support me in trying to go natural first before intervening.  My hypnobirthing teacher, Launi, referred us to Dr. Steven Berry and it was an instant feeling of comfort when we met with him.  He spent 45 minutes talking to us and answering any questions we had.  His response to my plan was that he hoped he could simply put his hands in his pockets and let me do my thing... THANK YOU!  He is mainly a pediatrician, so he will be the boys doctor after birth as well... We really like that.  With twins there are a few hospital policies that we have no choice but to abide by and that is fine.  We will be delivering in the operating room.  There must be two doctors in the room at the time of delivery along with a team of NICU people.  Dr. Berry works closley with the team of doctors we just left so who ever is on call that night will be the second doctor.  I like that for the fact that the doctor in charge supports me and I trust his OB skills/knowledge, but the second doctor is part of the "twin specialist" team... I get the best of both worlds :)
    Two things to finish up this post... The amazing Young Woman's group in my ward threw me an awesome baby shower on the 17th.  It was a great turnout where once again I felt a ton of love and support.  I am such a blessed girl with the support system I have around me!  AND... the nursery is finally done!!! After the babies are born we'll hang up pictures of them and our family, but everything else is done!!! I feel a lot of relief knowing that we have everything we need to bring them home.  It is a tiny room, but I think we made the most of the space...especially fitting two babies in it!

The view as you come in the door.  The cribs are mini cribs.
View standing in front of the closet.  The changing table is also a bathtub :) 
The closet....tiny clothes!! 
My rocker/recliner.  Fake baby and all in the swing :) Diaper bag is packed and diaper genie is ready for use!!

Oh, I forgot a few big things.... I have not had to do my heparin shots for the last TWO WEEKS!!! This is the first time since 2006, when I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis that I have not had to take at least one shot a week.  I am loving it :)  All my bruising from the Heparin shots is finally gone!

Sue, my acupuncturist has me taking a herbal supplement called 5-W, which she swears will help sustain the pregnancy for a few weeks longer and I still do my progesterone lotion at night.  I think with both of those supplements, these boys will not be here before the end of Septemeber :)

And if any other prego mamas (or anybody) are having trouble sleeping, I have just discovered that a drop of lavender Doterra oil on the bottom of your feet will knock you out.  I have slept the past 3 nights in a row!!! Granted I am sitting up still, but at least I am falling asleep within an hour of going to bed instead of around 6:00 am.  It's nice.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Non-Stress Test??... Almost.

     So today I had my first non-stress test (NST).  It seemed really basic and relaxed when the nurse was explaining it to me.  I had to sit in a comfy recliner with a heart monitor on my belly for each baby and a third monitor to measure any uterine contractions...simple.  First an ultrasound nurse came in and did a very quick ultrasound to check the amount of amniotic fluid in each sac.  Mav had a 7 and Z had a 6.5.  Those numbers don't mean anything to me except that the nurse said they were perfect... yay.  Next she told me that both boys are head down...yay!! They may not stay that way, but I am crossing my fingers.  Finally, using the ultrasound they located each baby's heart and the ultrasound was done.
     The NST nurse was really nice and we were chatting while she got things set up on my belly.  She put me in a very reclined position so I was pretty close to flat on my back.  I didn't think much of it, but after about 5-10 minutes of monitoring the heart rates I started to get really nauseous.
     I asked if I could have my water and after downing nearly the entire 32 ounces I literally started to drip sweat.  The nurse told me I was getting really pale and I said the room was going black.  It sounded like I was underwater and I could barely understand what she was saying.  I kept repeating that I didn't feel good over and over again.  The nurse started going in and out of the room grabbing things.  One trip was ice packs that were put on my head, back of my neck and chest.  Another trip was for a puke bowl and ice chips.  A third trip was for a glass of coke and a doctor.  The nurse had taken my blood pressure when I first got to the office and it was normal for me... 95/ 68.  I've always had low blood pressure, but have been told it is fine for my body type.  The nurse took my blood pressure a few times during all the craziness and my blood pressure had dropped to 70 something/30 something... no bueno!
     Once the doctor came in she rolled me on to my left side and put an oxygen monitor on me.  Over the next 5 minutes the room went back to normal lighting and I could once again hear things normally.  All it was,was the fact that the babies are getting heavy enough that if I am on my back they will put too much pressure on the huge vein that goes to your heart and slow the blood circulation...drastically in my case.  Simple fix :) After that fun 10-15 min everything was fine.  I will have an NST every week until I deliver.  I will always lay on my left side :)
     Even during the craziness the boys heart rates remained in the "normal zone".  Maverick's rate never left the 140's, but Zayden's dropped slightly into the 130's but went right back up to the high 140's once I was back to normal.  I have some strong boys :) love them!
     A few random things:
***I talked to my doctor about my birth preferences today and gave him a list I had put together.  My list will be put in my file so that no matter which doctor I have for delivery, they will know where I stand.  He made sure though that in case of an emergency that I was willing to trust their judgement and 99% of it I am.  I am learning that some doctors do things just because it is what they have always done without having an actual medical reason behind it.  Those moments I will trust my judgement/research/birthing coach to make the best call for the babies.
*** I think it is funny how many people, complete strangers, ask when I am due or say, "Any day now.".  I even had a complete stranger offer his help if I needed it when it came time to delivery...ODD.   I haven't really had anyone I didn't know start rubbing my belly, but I have a feeling that is not too far off.
*** Two good things about being this prego for today are that I stopped at a random hair salon and asked to use their bathroom.  They said of course without even a funny look.  Trying to hold your pee at this stage is seriously painful.  The second thing was that no one looked at me funny when I simply stood in the walk in dairy fridge area at Costco.  I got the eggs I needed, but then stood there, in the middle for a few minutes... It felt sooooooo good :)
     Last, I was able to take maternity pictures this week.  I am waiting for the disc with all the pictures, but the ones I have seen so far I am happy with.  Of course it is odd when you are the one in every picture, but I am trying to not be too critical :)

Rochelle Larson of Pointe Digital Photography & Video took my pictures... look her up :)!!! 

I am hoping to keep these little guys cooking for another 4-6 weeks... keep us in your prayers :) 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

No More Stories Please...

   I am writing this post probably at a bad time.  I should probably wait till I am calmer and not as overwhelmed/fired-up as I am, but oh well.
    First let me make it clear that I appreciate and LOVE all the support I have received for myself and these babies.  I have been blown away by the amount of friends and family that are praying for us, thinking about us and are excited for us.  I can't thank you all enough.
       With all that has come MANY stories and I feel like I did when I couldn't get pregnant. The stories and millions of scenarios I hear almost daily are getting to me.  They are of someone else's journey and this is my journey and my story.  To this point, it has been unlike anyone else's journey (I feel) and my delivery and subsequent raising of twins will be MY journey as well.  That is not to say that I don't appreciate or want advice.  I don't know all the in's and out's of what I am going through or am about to face, BUT I am one that does my research.  I have made informed decisions about having a natural birth.  I have made informed decisions on how I will breastfeed.  I will make informed decisions along the way as I am sure not everything will go as planned.  I do things based off how it feels to me, not how others think it should be done.  If you would like to offer positive support than by all means please do.  If you are going to tell me that I am a new mom that is just clueless than please keep that to yourself.  If you have a twin birth story, please just share the advice portion and leave the story out.
    I will never put my boys in danger.  I will do everything in my power to protect them.  Through my research and faith I feel that that is exactly what I am doing.  I am not opposed to or think that modern medicine is evil, but rather the contrary.  It is a gift from God, but so is my natural body.  I plan to use what God has already given me in nature first and than if needed use what He has given me on earth to supplement a natural process.
    I am blessed to have an amazing man by my side that continues to support me in all my choices.  He trusts me to make decisions based on what is best for our babies.  I ask that other's do the same.  Thank you and the end :)

On a happier, less stressed note... the boys are doing great.  I start my Non-stress Tests on Monday and will have them weekly till I deliver.  I am overall doing great.  Each day I find one more little activity that has become much harder to accomplish.  I get TIRED very easily.  The nursery is almost done (I'll post pictures when it is).  I count my blessings daily of how well things are going.  I truly do appreciate all the support!  It takes a lot of stress/worry out of the equation.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Boys are GROWING... and So Am I!!!

     I am now 28 weeks and had an ultrasound today... I am a happy mama.  My boys are doing so well and it is such a relief to see them.  Maverick has his head right above my cervix looking up and is in an L shape along my right side.  Zayden is in the fetal position taking up the space on my right.  Z is literally sitting on Mav's head and Mav's feet are kicking Z's head.  I've been able to feel them moving for the past 2-3 weeks.  Based on the last ultrasound at week 20 I thought I knew which one was kicking or punching and I thought I had their personalities figured out...WRONG.  They've moved and grown a bunch.  I thought Z was constantly kicking me and was the rowdy one, but it was Mav the whole time.  Z is much more relaxed than I thought.   Right when we started the ultrasound we were able to catch Mav yawning... so cute!!! Mav also had is hand up over his head pushing on Z's butt :) haha.
    Mav is 2 lbs 6 oz.  Z is 2 lbs 8 oz.  Both boy's weights are awesome.  They are the same weight as a single baby would be at this point, which makes me super happy.  Their length is 3 days ahead of my gestational time, which puts them in the 47-49 percentile.  I wish the Dr would tell me inches, I'll try to get inches on my next appointment.  Mav's heart rate was 149 and Z was 143, both great.  Basically, ALL GOOD NEWS :)
This is a side profile of Mav yawning :) LOVE IT. 

28 weeks @ 170 lbs!!! I've gained 38 lbs!!! I was told that is good though, Yikes!  I am measuring the same as a 36 week single pregnancy.
     So life now consists of lots of heartburn/acid reflux.  I've resorted to using Tums, which are safe, but I am hoping to find a natural solution.  My neighbor said she had something, so I need to call her ASAP.  I don't make it through the day or night without Tums.  Sleeping is getting tricky.  I've tried the U-shaped pillow, the straight body pillow, and a tiny little wedge pillow.  I like the wedge pillow.  I place it under my belly with another regular pillow between my knees.  I feel like this set up allows me to switch sides constantly and easily through the night.  I have to switch a ton because my hips hurt and occasionally go numb... not fun.  My energy is getting less and less.  I am back to needing naps, but for now it is an every other day thing.  I have so many things I want/need to do before the boys come and it is getting harder and harder to get through even a quarter of my to-do-list each day.  Bending over sucks and totally random, but no one tells you that wiping after using the restroom also gets tougher and tougher!  My feet feel bruised on the days I walk around a lot.  This extra weight is for sure being felt!  BUT with all the "fun" stuff I just mentioned, I can't complain.  I am not on bed rest, I am not throwing up, I am able to still go and do fun things, my boys are very healthy and I feel great most days.  
     I was blessed on July 11th to have a baby shower planned for me by sisters and friends.  It was amazing to me to see and feel the amount of love and support there is for me, Beau and these little boys! It was chaotic, but wonderful and thank you to all those that were there and I missed you for those that weren't able to make it.  Our house is a mess with all the amazing gifts we received.  Its a good problem to have :) 
     I decided I wanted to see what all the Hypnobirthing buzz was about, so Beau and I started the Hypnobirthing classes this past week.  We are taking them from Launi Anderson.  She keeps it real and entertaining.  The philosophy behind the practice is basic yet thought provoking.  I think it should be called "Self Relaxation for All of Life's Challenges".  It simply takes labor back to the way nature intended it to be and not the way it is portrayed in the media.  It shows you how to fully relax your body and allow it to work the way it is designed to sync.  In a very quick nutshell, think of woman in 3rd world countries or animals.  When they give birth they typically do it alone and in a very calm manner.  Most (not all) complications occur when tension or fear becomes present during labor, which causes a woman's birthing muscles to no longer work in sync.  Fear causes blood to go to areas of the bodies based on where the brain sends it (fight or flight kicks in with fear) and the uterus/cervix is last on the brains list.  Hypnobirthing is a good birth route for healthy woman with healthy babies.  There are of course circumstances where it wouldn't work totally, but the relaxation will help with whatever way labor goes.  I was surprised at how much Beau got into it.  He is happy we are using it.  I told my OB today that we would be using Hypnobirthing and they are totally fine with it.  They actually appreciate when woman learn about it because of how much the relaxation techniques help with any situation.  I am oddly kind of excited for labor to see how it all pans out. 
     Lastly, the nursery construction was finally finished about 2 weeks ago.  We had the carpets cleaned last week and finally have the cribs set up! They fit perfectly and I love them.  They are mini cribs and super cute.  We picked out my rocker/recliner and it is super comfy! Beau picked out our double stroller... it matches his truck :) haha.  It is a pretty awesome stroller though.  Things are coming together!!! 

Cribs and Rocker.  Now the fun part...decorating begins!! 


Friday, June 28, 2013

24 Weeks and All is Well

   I just had my 24 week appointment and all seems to be well.  They didn't do an ultrasound, which I hate because I simply like to see my babies!  But, heart rates were both good, so I am fine with that for now.  I made all my appointments from now till I deliver!!! That was weird.  My goal is October 1st, but I know I need to be prepared for anything after 32 weeks (yikes!).
     The latest pregnancy joys I've been experiencing are the common things.... acid reflux at night (sometimes all day), charlie-horses in my calves anytime and I try to stretch AND when I do nothing, hip soreness in the morning from only sleeping on my sides, itchy-belly skin, struggle to breath at times, more and more cellulite on my hips (I hate that one!) and the inability to bend over at ease.  However on the more positive side I am starting to have enough energy to get through a whole day.  Although I move a lot slower and getting 3-4 things done is considered a productive day as compared to my HUGE to-do list of pre-pregnancy times.  
     The Nursery is FINALLY, mostly done.  It just needs a little caulk along the baseboards and trim.  After that the carpets will be cleaned and cribs set up :) YAY!!!! I want to get it all done in the next month just in case I have to be on my butt, which I am praying I won't, but just in case.
     Last week Beau's wonderful, sweet mom threw me a family baby shower in Idaho.  It was a very quick trip up to Idaho and back, but it was a lot of fun.  I got spend time with my awesome in-laws AND I got to see a couple of my cousins, which I hadn't seen in years.


And... here is the 24 week belly picture update.  I feel like it is looking a little more torpedo-ish and moving past the cute round stage. I know it is probably just me, but whatever.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Let the Brother Fights Begin!

     Today was the day we got to see the boys to get all their measurements and check their vital organ growth...everything looked perfect! YAY :)  It was reconfirmed that they are, for sure, both boys.  Maverick (baby A) is 14 oz measuring and Zayden (baby B) is 13 oz and both are measuring the exact same in overall growth ( 20 wks and 6 days, which is exactly where I am at in duration!).  Maverick's heart rate is 152 bpm and Zayden's is 144 bpm, both are great.  I am sooooo excited that they are growing the same and they have all the blood flow and nourishment they need right now.
      They are laying horizontally across the bottom part of my belly on top of each other, just opposite directions.  Zayden is on top with Maverick squished underneath and... kicking each other in the heads!  It makes sense why I am not feeling them kick, they aren't kicking me...just each other!  

Zayden (baby B) is on top in the picture with his head profiled looking up on the right side of the picture.  His body is horizontal to the left.  Poor Maverick (baby A) is harder to see, squished on the bottom.  All you can see is the back of his head on the bottom left of the picture under Zayden's feet with a blurry little spine going horizontal to the right.  

     The ultrasound tech said this will probably be the last ultrasound picture we will get with both of them in the same shot...nice way to go out :) After this appointment they will be too big.  I am a happy mama-to-be knowing my boys are very healthy and growing the way they should.  They are already bonding as brothers and there is not much more I could ask for :) 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Picture Catch-up and Delivery Decision...

    So I thought that when I got prego I would take a picture every week to see the belly growth progress...well, I suck at it.  I take them on my phone sometimes when family asks about it, but then I forget to do anything else with them.  So here are weeks 16 and weeks 20.
Week 16... I think. 

Week 20
   Things have been pain free (besides normal prego aches) for the past 2 weeks or more!!! Hallelujah!! My friend Marray, that just had TRIPLETS, let me borrow her belly-band...greatest invention ever.  My belly is just barely to the point of feeling heavy and I think the boys are sitting really low in my belly, so the band is helping a ton.
     I am not sure why, but for about an hour or two a day my body feels like it is ready to give out.  My legs get tingly, I feel hot (but never sweaty), my arms feel like dead weight and I just want to collapse. I don't know what starts it or finishes it, but it is kind of sucky when I am attempting to finally be somewhat productive with my days.  
    I thought that the nipple sensitivity gradually went away during pregnancy, but mine are way more sensitive now than they were at the beginning.  It is not a fun feeling. 
     My appetite has started to calm down, but now it is hard to remember that I HAVE to eat.  I go too long between little meals right now, for the twins sake...working on it.  
     My hormones were going super crazy for a week or so, but have thankfully calmed down since last week (see below for why).  I would literally cry one second and then get pissed the next.  Beau patiently rolled with all of it.  I still cry at nearly nothing, but my brain is now clear enough to know when it is just because of pregnancy and when it is an actual reason...haven't come across a real reason yet :) 
     My next appointment is next week.  We are going to get all the measurements and I can't wait.  It will be about an hour long ultrasound appointment, which are my favorite because I get to just watch my little boys move and know they are ok.  Can't wait!!! I feel little flutters and a few sharp pains during the days and nights lately, which I contribute to the babies moving.  I did FINALLY feel/see a punch or kick the other day.  I was resting my hands on the top of my belly holding my phone while I worked and suddenly the phone bounced a little :) It happened twice and again later that evening.  I am excited to really feel them move or watch a foot go across my stomach :) 
     Delivery Decision:  Thank you all for your comments and thoughts.  It was helpful to get different perspectives, but in the end I took it to the Lord.  I went to the temple last week by myself... I NEEDED to go.  My hormones were CRAZY and I was ready to rip someone's head off, so off to the temple to find peace I went.  I gradually felt more and more calm as I participated in the ordinance I had gone to do.  After the session was complete I sat in the Celestial room and just thought for a bit before I started to pray.  I prayed for a lot of different things and then finally turned my attention to the delivery question.  I felt very peaceful and calm at the thought of going natural as long as vaginal delivery is an option.  I will ask for help if I need it, but to try and go without meds for as long as possible.  The best part was the clarity in which I heard the words, "I'll be there."  I know these babies are a miracle sent from my Heavenly Father.  I don't take that lightly and I know I am to raise them unto him.  I know he has been and will continue to be with me through each step of this pregnancy and I now am VERY confident that he will be by my side for the delivery.  
    I left the temple completely clear-headed, non-hormonal and calm as could be.  I have felt those same feelings since.  The confusion and overwhelming stress/worry I felt about what I should do disappeared  and I know I am heading in the right direction.  I am beyond grateful to know that I have a Heavenly Father who cares enough about my tiny-lil trials to grant me peace and answers.  I am blessed to know that he will ALWAYS answer my prayers... I just need to trust in his timing and his plan for me and put my own selfish thoughts/desires aside and things will always work out for the best.  
    So at this point I just need to focus on learning about natural birth.  I will still deliver at the hospital so that, as I mentioned, if medical assistance is needed for me or the babies it is there.  You can comment as you would like, but my mind is made up and I am moving forward with it.  If things change it will be because of the babies, not someone's opinion.  Thank you all again for your thoughts and concern... I appreciated it all and accepted it as words of advice and love.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

18.5 Weeks and Going Strong

     So now that things are starting to go a little more like normal pregnancy, I feel there is not much to share on here, but here's the latest...  Since my last post Beau and I spent the first weekend of May in Vegas with some good friends.  It was a blast, but I think between the crazy amount of walking, the heat and the loads of crappy (meaning expensive and tasted good, but not good for you) food I reverted a bit in the pain department.  Ovaries have continued to lay low, but hemorrhoids were in full effect again.
     For the week after we got home I stayed with the natural regiment that my neighbor had given me, which I do believe was targeting the source of the pain, but the symptoms were becoming too much to mentally and physically handle.  I finally asked Beau and our friend Dave to give me a priesthood blessing and in it I was told that relief was coming soon.  I had made a doctor's appointment for the following morning and was instructed to put a cream on my "hole" (for lack of better description) twice/day  and drink 8 oz of prune juice every morning.  Two days later and since then I have been feeling pretty good.  I am grateful the Lord has blessed us with the ability to cure ourselves naturally and, if needed, get a little quick relief from modern medicine.
     At my last appointment (2 days ago) I heard the heartbeats of both boys and both are in the "good" range.  Maverick has a 150 bpm and Zayden has 140 bpm.  The doctor also measured my belly and I am the size of a 25 week singleton pregnancy (reminder I am only 18.5 weeks!!! Holy stretching and FAST).  I have also officially gained about 13-15 lbs according to the doctor scale.  I don't know the exact amount because sometimes I have more clothes and my shoes on than other times.
    Lastly, I am still debating mentioning this as I am writing it, but here goes... I talked with my acupuncturist, Sue, and she suggested that if I am able to do a vaginal delivery that I do it naturally and let her "guide" me essentially.  I consider this woman a miracle worker for what she has already done for my health and I seriously trust her with my life, so I am considering the idea.  She is the mother of 10 and she delivered them in a variety of ways.  She has also guided/coached many of her children's deliveries.  She is holistic and strong LDS, so for my peace of mind I like that combo.   I am kind of curious to know people's thoughts and yet at the same time I don't care because the final decision is between me, Beau and the Lord... but opinions/thoughts may open a train of thought or research I may have overlooked, so comment away...YIKES.  If there is need for medical intervention I am completely open to that assuming I do decide to try natural...whatever gets these boys out and into the world the safest :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ovary Freedom and GENDER REVEAL!!!

     So, it's just past 1:00 am and I am exhausted,but.... not in pain!!! My amazing neighbor is a Duella, Herbologist, Accupuncturist, etc. everything natural.  I talked to her about a week ago and she suggested a few natural supplements for my ovarian cysts and for what I felt like was hemrroids.  She suggested Mag Citrate by Metagenics for the hemrroids and Progestrone lotion by Arbonne for the cysts.  I've been taking 2 Mag Citrates in the morning and 2 at night.  I use one pump of the lotion just before going to bed. Before starting these supplements I had barely started taking 1 capsule of PrimRose Oil in the morning and one at night.  The naturalist I take health food classes from suggested the oil.  I took the oil in conjunction with the Mag Citrate and Progestrone.  Each day was better than the one before in regards to pain.   THEN... today (well technically yesterday the 1st) I had an ultrasound (to find out the baby's genders... get to that in a minute) and Robin, the ultrasound tech also looked at my ovaries.  They are practically normal size AND only had one tiny cyst on each!!!! I was ecstatic with this news considering my ovaries have been huge since the end of January and have caused me soooooo much pain!! .  I've finally been able to function past 3:00 and feel like I have productive days.  Ahhhhhhh... ovary freedom at last!!!! I hope I am not speaking too soon, that would suck!
     Now the fun stuff... the baby's genders.  As I mentioned I had an ultrasound at 9:40 am today (yesterday).  I woke up at 7:00 am, which is crazy early for me, and was too excited to go back to sleep.  During the ultrasound as Robin was looking to see what sex the babies were, Beau and I closed our eyes.  Crazy hard to do, but we did it because my sister Ashlie with the help of her husband Von had decided a few months back that it would be fun to do a reveal party.  So that meant that Beau and I got to see the babies and see how they are growing, but we left the ultrasound not knowing the sex and with an envelope in hand.  I had Robin put the results in the envelope, seal it and sign her name across the seal so there would be no way for me to cheat and open it.  I took the envelope over to Ashlie's house and gave it to her.  I left and tried to keep myself busy all day so I wouldn't go crazy guessing what they might be.  FINALLY at 6:00 pm a small group of friends and family gathered at her house.  My parent's and Beau's family were able to be on FaceTime (although the connection went in and out) for the actual reveal.  Everyone had to guess the sex of both babies and write their guesses on a big poster board.  In order to win a prize you had to guess the sex of each baby correctly.  It couldn't be general such as a boy and a girl.  You had to specify which baby you thought was a boy and which you thought was a girl, etc.  Anyways, Ashlie had made pinatas and filled them with the color candy of the sex of the baby.  One for A and one for B.  At 6:45 on the dot we all went into the backyard where my nephews did the honors of busting the pinatas.  Baby A... BOY.  Baby B... BOY!!!!!! I was crying just walking out to the backyard and it got worse with each result...tears of total joy of course!  Beau and 4 other people guessed it right.  I was wrong.  I thought baby A was a boy and baby B was a girl. 
     Tonight was one of the happiest days in my life thus far.  I have waited so long and gone through so much to be a mom and now things are finally looking up in that direction.  I still know anything can happen, but I have so much peace and faith in the answer I received back in November or December in the temple... that all would be well and I would be a mother soon... that I am trusting the Lord and I will get to meet these little boys in a few months!! I am 16 weeks today and my hope/goal is to make it to 37-38 weeks, so 1st of October-ish.  We have already named them (we've had 2.5 years to come up with something we liked!) 
Baby A: Maverick Storm Murphy
Baby B: Zayden Beau Murphy
I am sooooooo excited for my house to be crazy with sweet, cute, screeming, pooping baby boys!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Healthy Babies and Crappy Ovaries

     Life is going great...except my attention-hungry ovaries.  They just won't let the babies be the center of my attention.  Both ovaries are still covered in lovely cysts that KILL constantly.  It feels like constant punches and sharp pains in my lower abdomen.  By about 3:00 pm I am in too much pain to move again if I sit down.  It hurts to get up or sit down.  It hurts to go to the bathroom (either 1 or 2, doesn't matter).  It hurts to bend over... you get the picture, they just HURT.  I haven't done the massage thing since I last posted.  It hurt sooooo bad I ended up sore and balling my eyes out.  I've tried to research other treatment options and there is nothing on the internet beyond either waiting for them to rupture, aspirate them or surgically remove them.  I was hoping to find natural options...nope. 
     I had an ultrasound today and the babies are finally babies now.  They aren't alien looking anymore...yay!!! No, I don't know what we are having yet.  We find out May 1st!!! Can't wait!! Today Baby A was super squirmy.  It's legs were kicking and its arms were stretching.  I LOVED just watching.  Baby B was much more calm, but still moving a bit.  Both have strong heartbeats and both are growing at the same rate.  They are about 3.5 inches.  I feel sooooo comforted each time I see them and know they are ok. 
This is Baby B. The baby is lookig up at its hand on the left side of pic, body in the middle and little leg kicking on the right. Baby A was much clearer, but I didn't get a picture.  I was too amazed watching it squirm.  This is also on the crappy portable ultrasound machine...not the high-tech good machine.  
     My ovaries were not as exciting to see.  Big blobs with more blobs on them.  The doctor told me I could take Ibuprofen for pain if needed, but to only do that if I was in major pain.  My hollistic, natural-food teacher suggested I take PrimRose Oil Capsules.  I decided to try the capsules first.  I just started them today...crossing my fingers.
     My stomach is growing every day.  My little sister and I are barely days apart in pregnancy, but she has one baby and is BARELY showing.  Its crazy to me to watch the difference in our bodies in regards to belly size.    
This was at 12 weeks. I've grown a bit since, but haven't taken another pic. I'll do that at 16 weeks.