Thursday, May 30, 2013

Picture Catch-up and Delivery Decision...

    So I thought that when I got prego I would take a picture every week to see the belly growth progress...well, I suck at it.  I take them on my phone sometimes when family asks about it, but then I forget to do anything else with them.  So here are weeks 16 and weeks 20.
Week 16... I think. 

Week 20
   Things have been pain free (besides normal prego aches) for the past 2 weeks or more!!! Hallelujah!! My friend Marray, that just had TRIPLETS, let me borrow her belly-band...greatest invention ever.  My belly is just barely to the point of feeling heavy and I think the boys are sitting really low in my belly, so the band is helping a ton.
     I am not sure why, but for about an hour or two a day my body feels like it is ready to give out.  My legs get tingly, I feel hot (but never sweaty), my arms feel like dead weight and I just want to collapse. I don't know what starts it or finishes it, but it is kind of sucky when I am attempting to finally be somewhat productive with my days.  
    I thought that the nipple sensitivity gradually went away during pregnancy, but mine are way more sensitive now than they were at the beginning.  It is not a fun feeling. 
     My appetite has started to calm down, but now it is hard to remember that I HAVE to eat.  I go too long between little meals right now, for the twins sake...working on it.  
     My hormones were going super crazy for a week or so, but have thankfully calmed down since last week (see below for why).  I would literally cry one second and then get pissed the next.  Beau patiently rolled with all of it.  I still cry at nearly nothing, but my brain is now clear enough to know when it is just because of pregnancy and when it is an actual reason...haven't come across a real reason yet :) 
     My next appointment is next week.  We are going to get all the measurements and I can't wait.  It will be about an hour long ultrasound appointment, which are my favorite because I get to just watch my little boys move and know they are ok.  Can't wait!!! I feel little flutters and a few sharp pains during the days and nights lately, which I contribute to the babies moving.  I did FINALLY feel/see a punch or kick the other day.  I was resting my hands on the top of my belly holding my phone while I worked and suddenly the phone bounced a little :) It happened twice and again later that evening.  I am excited to really feel them move or watch a foot go across my stomach :) 
     Delivery Decision:  Thank you all for your comments and thoughts.  It was helpful to get different perspectives, but in the end I took it to the Lord.  I went to the temple last week by myself... I NEEDED to go.  My hormones were CRAZY and I was ready to rip someone's head off, so off to the temple to find peace I went.  I gradually felt more and more calm as I participated in the ordinance I had gone to do.  After the session was complete I sat in the Celestial room and just thought for a bit before I started to pray.  I prayed for a lot of different things and then finally turned my attention to the delivery question.  I felt very peaceful and calm at the thought of going natural as long as vaginal delivery is an option.  I will ask for help if I need it, but to try and go without meds for as long as possible.  The best part was the clarity in which I heard the words, "I'll be there."  I know these babies are a miracle sent from my Heavenly Father.  I don't take that lightly and I know I am to raise them unto him.  I know he has been and will continue to be with me through each step of this pregnancy and I now am VERY confident that he will be by my side for the delivery.  
    I left the temple completely clear-headed, non-hormonal and calm as could be.  I have felt those same feelings since.  The confusion and overwhelming stress/worry I felt about what I should do disappeared  and I know I am heading in the right direction.  I am beyond grateful to know that I have a Heavenly Father who cares enough about my tiny-lil trials to grant me peace and answers.  I am blessed to know that he will ALWAYS answer my prayers... I just need to trust in his timing and his plan for me and put my own selfish thoughts/desires aside and things will always work out for the best.  
    So at this point I just need to focus on learning about natural birth.  I will still deliver at the hospital so that, as I mentioned, if medical assistance is needed for me or the babies it is there.  You can comment as you would like, but my mind is made up and I am moving forward with it.  If things change it will be because of the babies, not someone's opinion.  Thank you all again for your thoughts and concern... I appreciated it all and accepted it as words of advice and love.  


  1. So excited for you, you look so beautiful!! If by some chance you do have to have a c section I have had 3 do to my body not going into labor and other things, they all went well. Just letting you know so if that happens I am here for you with that! I love your plan though :)

  2. So excited for you. :) FYI, my mom is the supervisor for all the Hypnobirthing teachers here in the valley. She also teaches...and does a great job. If you'd lie her info, her web site is
