Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Night Before the Egg Retrieval

     Yayyyyyyyyy!!! My egg/folicle retrieval is scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1:00 pm.  Technically they measure folicles at this stage because the eggs that are within the folicles are too tiny to see.  The Bravelle shots (3 bravelle powders mixed with 1 menopur powder and 1 ml of water) I've been taking for about a week and a half each morning worked wonders.  I have 28 folicles with 19 at maturity!!! An egg/folicle is considered at maturity once it is 1.8 + centimeters in diameter.  You don't want it to be more than 2.5 though.  It will most likely die off at that point.  I took my HCG shot last night at 1:00 am.  This shot is a liquid mixed with powder shot and it is given in your stomach (of course... my stomach is sore from all the shots!).  It jump starts the ovulation process, which I guess makes it easier to retrieve the eggs/folicles.  This was my last shot of the process, at least until after the egg transfer and I have to take my heparin shots for my blood disorder (but those aren't bad).
     I am really excited for this next step.  I will be under anesthesia for the procedure and I was told it should only take about 30-45 minutes.  Dr. Foulk performs the extraction in the Utah Fertility Center, which I like because I don't have to go to the hospital and waste a bunch of time... in and out :)  I don't know the details of the procedure yet, but I'll update afterwards.  Beau has to give a sperm sample while they are doing the retrieval on me.  He had to do a back up sample a few weeks ago and remembered to ask for mineral oil this time.  It was a whole new world for him considering he had done the previous 10 samples completely dry.  Yay for mineral oil!
     I have been sleeping a TON the last couple days and am continuously grateful I work from home and have such a flexible schedule to allow myself to rest as needed.  My hat is off to women that go through this process with a typical job and/or kids.  The headaches finally stopped about 3 days ago and I found a great cure for the constipation.  The cure is NATURAL fiber.  I make a green smoothie in the morning and try to eat only organic foods with as much fiber as possible.  I know it sounds trendy/snotty to only eat organic, but try it... I promise you will notice a difference in your body!  TMI: My nipples are super sensitive and not in a good way.  That just started about 2 days ago.  No swelling in my breasts though, so that is nice.  And poor Beau... we are not allowed to have sex for the next 3 weeks.  He of course has not complained once about this, but instead jokes about how it will stretch our creativity...way to look on the bright side.
     The cramping has conveniently gotten worse with each day.  I assume it is because the folicles are getting bigger.  With each step I take I get a sharp pain in my ovary area that at times takes my breath away.  Today I needed to grab a few things at the grocery store and seriously went in hoping to use one of the go-cart shopping carts.  Sadly,  there were none available, but I couldn't be too mad when I saw two elderly ladies using them in the store.  The cool thing was that while I was in the store I honestly did not have even the slightest cramping or pain.  I call that a tender mercy from the Lord!
A few things I have learned through this process are;

1. be ok with the pain you have today because tomorrow it will most likely be worse
2. always ask if meds can be combined, so instead of 5 shots a day maybe you can mix a few and do only 2 or 3 shots...also for shots: ask about a Q-cap.  They make things easier
3. be patient with your body and don't worry that the stomach muscles you have worked so hard for are already fading
4. take things one item at a time.  Looking at the whole picture is overwhelming, but one item at a time is easy
5. don't let your mind wander or go to worse-case-scenario's based on things you've heard... your journey is your journey and its between you and the Lord.

     Lastly, I am constantly reminded of how blessed I am to have such an amazing support system behind me.  My husband is ridiculously amazing, my friends and family are wonderful and my neighbors are super helpful!! Thank you all :)  I do feel that this procedure will work, but if not the first time it will be ok and we'll move forward.  Its all part of a bigger plan :)


  1. You both are in our prayers. You guys are going to have this baby!
    As a man, I have no idea what the pain feels like, but as I watched Molly go through the pain of pregnancy (all 9 months worth), a certain and definite admiration and reverence for this adventure is cultivated. I admire and adore my sweet wife, and I'm certain Beau feels the same way. God be thanked for the woman in our lives.

  2. You both are in our prayers. Thinking about you! Hope everything goes well.

  3. We are thinking about you guys and keeping you guys in our prays!! We know it will work so keep those hopes up!!!And we can't wait to hear how things go!!! :o)
