Monday was my last day going to the gym and playing volleyball. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill then played vball for 2.5 hours. I was EXHAUSTED, but happy. This point in the process has been my biggest stress because I don't sit still well. I planned to go to the gym each morning and slowly walk on the treadmill.... NOPE! Not going to the gym or moving is just fine with me right now... never thought I would say that.
The drugs have really kicked in and my ovaries are in hyper-drive. I had my estrogen levels checked on Tuesday and they look great :) Then today I had my first egg count ultrasound. The ultrasounds from here on out will all be the inter-vaginal kind. My lining is nice and thin and my egg count is 28!!!! The minimum to proceed is 5-7 per ovary... I have 14 in each ovary. It is a good number and it puts me at ease because I was worried I wouldn't produce enough to have extras to freeze. It still isn't a guarantee that the quality will be good on all of them, but at least my odds aren't too bad. Once I got home I had a cheesy moment and realized the Lord has a sense of humor. All growing up my lucky number was 28. If I couldn't have 28 in a sport I went with 14. Coincidence, no... I prefer to think of it as the Lord giving me one more lil sign that he is in control :)
TMI warning: Headaches, Constipation and Cramps!!! These have been my best friends the last couple days and I was told this morning that the constipation will only get worse, ughhh. I am blessed to work from home so I can sit on the toilet for long periods of time. My butt and legs may fall asleep, but at least it gets things moving...eventually!!! Then there is the cramps. Every time I take a step I get a nice lil sharp pain in my ovaries. Right foot causes the right side to cramp and vice versa. I end up walking like I have something stuck up my butt because I am trying to step softly. It really doesn't make a difference, but I tell myself it helps. Also, as things move through my intestines and pass by the ovary areas, including gas bubbles, it REALLY hurts. It feels like diarrhea sharp pains, but they are usually short. The headaches are tricky because nothing helps. I try to sleep them away and even that works only 50% of the time.
Sleep... I sleep a lot. I feel like a little kid again because I plan my day around my afternoon nap. I have to have one (or two). I have tons of energy in the morning for about an hour and then I am literally tired enough to climb back into bed and go to sleep. I try to get as much done as possible before finally giving into a nap, but sometimes it isn't much. I consider a productive day to be accomplishing 4-5 small tasks. When you don't have time for sleep you always think a nap would be great... but then when your body forces you to take a nap it can be kind of annoying. Today I don't plan to leave the house, but I've done a bunch of things around the house :) Sadly I finally showered this morning after 3 days!!!! I seriously have not had the energy to even do that.
All in all though I think things are going great. So far I would do the process again in a heartbeat. The side effects I am experiencing are not that big of a deal (knock on wood) and the good news I keep getting at each doctors appointment makes it all worth it. I am still super calm about everything and trying my best to stay upbeat and not be a bump-on-a-log downer to those around me.
When you do get pregnant you are going to be so prepared for all the symptoms that come along with pregnancy because all the side effects that you mentioned I had during pregnancy!! :o)