Thursday, April 18, 2013

Healthy Babies and Crappy Ovaries

     Life is going great...except my attention-hungry ovaries.  They just won't let the babies be the center of my attention.  Both ovaries are still covered in lovely cysts that KILL constantly.  It feels like constant punches and sharp pains in my lower abdomen.  By about 3:00 pm I am in too much pain to move again if I sit down.  It hurts to get up or sit down.  It hurts to go to the bathroom (either 1 or 2, doesn't matter).  It hurts to bend over... you get the picture, they just HURT.  I haven't done the massage thing since I last posted.  It hurt sooooo bad I ended up sore and balling my eyes out.  I've tried to research other treatment options and there is nothing on the internet beyond either waiting for them to rupture, aspirate them or surgically remove them.  I was hoping to find natural options...nope. 
     I had an ultrasound today and the babies are finally babies now.  They aren't alien looking anymore...yay!!! No, I don't know what we are having yet.  We find out May 1st!!! Can't wait!! Today Baby A was super squirmy.  It's legs were kicking and its arms were stretching.  I LOVED just watching.  Baby B was much more calm, but still moving a bit.  Both have strong heartbeats and both are growing at the same rate.  They are about 3.5 inches.  I feel sooooo comforted each time I see them and know they are ok. 
This is Baby B. The baby is lookig up at its hand on the left side of pic, body in the middle and little leg kicking on the right. Baby A was much clearer, but I didn't get a picture.  I was too amazed watching it squirm.  This is also on the crappy portable ultrasound machine...not the high-tech good machine.  
     My ovaries were not as exciting to see.  Big blobs with more blobs on them.  The doctor told me I could take Ibuprofen for pain if needed, but to only do that if I was in major pain.  My hollistic, natural-food teacher suggested I take PrimRose Oil Capsules.  I decided to try the capsules first.  I just started them today...crossing my fingers.
     My stomach is growing every day.  My little sister and I are barely days apart in pregnancy, but she has one baby and is BARELY showing.  Its crazy to me to watch the difference in our bodies in regards to belly size.    
This was at 12 weeks. I've grown a bit since, but haven't taken another pic. I'll do that at 16 weeks.


Monday, April 1, 2013

So Close to Normal... And Yet Sooooo Far

    As I mentioned in my last update, things have been going pretty well for the last couple weeks.  I was FINALLY able to stop doing my Endometrin suppositories last Thursday, which was a day I was looking forward to for a LONG time.  No more GROSS discharge throughout my day...YAY!!!! But wait.
     Starting Friday afternoon, I began to feel little cramps in my ovaries.  They weren't that bad so I just ignored them hoping that it meant they were just contracting.  Gradually they got worse each day and by Sunday night I was ready to cut them out.  Even if I barely touched my ovary area with the slightest touch it was super sensitive and going to the bathroom was not a joyous occasion.
     I called my OB's office this morning (Monday) and they were able to get me in almost immediately for an ultrasound.  The ultrasound rooms are equipped with much better technology then the exam room ultrasounds, thank heavens.  The nurse, Robin, was super nice and very up front with what she was seeing, which I prefer.  First she did an external ultrasound and found a nice BIG cyst on my right ovary and the left ovary looked like swiss cheese.  She switched to an inter-vaginal ultrasound to get more details.  The right was the same, and the left had 5-6 nice size cysts all over it, which just look like holes on the ultrasound...hence the swiss cheese.
     She showed Dr. Reese the images to see if anything needed to be done.  When she came back to the room she told me that the babies were fine, but that the cysts would just need to go away on their own.  Dr. Reese thinks they are from having my ovaries used and abused too much.  They told me I might have the cramping for up to 2 more months.... uh, no thanks!!
    So the good news.... my babies are fine.  Robin did a couple quick scans of the babies and I saw fingers and toes and defined bodies :) Makes me happy to see them growing!!! I was also able to schedule our gender ultrasound for the 1st of May!!!! I am sooooo excited for that one.
    The bad news... I was told I would have pain till about 20 weeks :(  I HATE my ovaries...just sayin.
    Right after my appointment I went to see my acupuncturist, Sue.  I told her what they saw and what they told me.  She said I could get rid of the cysts on my own and that I NEEDED to do it asap because the progesterone my ovaries naturally produce for the babies was getting stuck in the cysts and it wasn't all going to the babies... no bueno!!!  Then she showed me how to get rid of them...OUCH!!!  Beau is going to have to "massage" my ovaries and try to pop the cysts.  It sounds really gross and it hurts really bad!  She said they could all be gone in a week or two though, so it sounds like it is worth a try.  She also told me that right now while my uterus is still somewhat small is the best time to do it because as the uterus gets bigger my ovaries will be harder to get to and the babies will get in the way.
    I am very excited for my next pregnancy.  If we use our frozen eggs than my ovaries will never even get used and will be tiny little untouched almonds!  If it wasn't for my ovaries, this pregnancy really wouldn't be all that bad... oh well.  I can do anything with the Lord's help and for a short amount of time.
    My official 12 weeks is this coming Wednesday!!!! I never thought the day would come :) I'll post a picture of my baby bump.  I swear it is growing a ton everyday.  I've already resorted to maternity pants.  They are a tad bit too big, but WAY more comfortable then having my jeans, that are held together with a hair tie, cut into my belly all day.  I bought the cribs already :) I found them on KSL and one seller had two of the exact cribs I wanted brand-new in the box!!! I basically got them for buy one, get one free based on their regular retail price... I couldn't pass it up :) Beau thinks the nursery will be pretty close to done by this weekend... at least the construction part.  Then I get to DECORATE :)
    Wish me luck with the "massages".  Uggghhhhh, I'll be praying they work!!!!!